Wednesday, April 5, 2017

E is for Eluveitie

Describing themselves as the new wave of folk metal, Swiss band Eluveitie single-handedly changed my view of folk metal. The particular track which caught my attention was The Call of the Mountain. I dare you not to like it. Crunchy guitars, and something that looks like some sort of guitar, harps, violins and bagpipes...what's not to like?

Founded in Zurich in 2002, Eluveitie are Chrigel Glansmann, Rafael Salzmann, Kay Brem, Matteo Sisti, Nicole Ansperger, Alain Ackermann, Jonas Wolf, Michalina Malisz and Fabienne Emi. It reads more like a mixed football team than a band, doesn't it? How do they combine so many instruments and make it metal? Check them out.

In July, 2017 they will release Evocation II: Visions, and I might even buy it.


  1. I ADORE Folk metal! Thanks for the introduction to Eluveitie. Europe has some of the best metal bands around.
    Debbie @ THE DOGLADY'S DEN
    Latest Post: DAY AFTER DAY: True love reigns!

  2. A really good track. Still not sure of the genre but there's no denying the talent there

    1. They are known as a Pagan metal band as defined by the lyrical content, but there are a folk metal band because of the instruments eh harp and violin. This combination can be truly awful, and most of the folk metal bands I've listened to are rubbish imo, but these guys are very good. The video I shared does not show off the growling of the male lead.

  3. I am a big music fan but heavy metal is not one of my favourite genres - is it a guy thing do you think? There's a few I like but they're not what I call hard core HM. I'm curious about the Japanese girl group though so I'm gonna check them out. Delighted to see your fast food cooking blog! I hate cooking! My blog has many stories about my failings as a cook or celebrity chef rants. For me, there are so many more interesting things to do in life than cook - not that I don't appreciate those who do and I definitely like tasty homemade food - but me - I'd rather write or ... well pretty much anything else.... I make A1 flapjack though but that's about as good as it gets!

  4. Hello Jane. NO it's not a guy thing. There are tow ladies in Eluvietie and then there's Babymetal and coming up in H is a female lead singer who does the clean vocals and the growl. She's awesome and she's not the only one. Defs not a gender thing imo.
    Re the food blog. Ha ha. I totally agree however, if I had more money I would eat out more rather than rely so heavily on microwave dinners. I can cook, but like you I'd rather not. Thanks for visiting Square Pegs, even though HM isn't your cup of tea, and also fro taking the time to comment. I appreciate it.

  5. I didn't even know 'folk metal' was a thing. I love how they sound!

    26 Things To Hate About Writing: E is for Edits

  6. This is great! I'd never heard of folk metal, either!
    Lisa / Tales from the Love Shaque
