What is the connection to my cousin's wedding? He and his new wife
recently returned from their honeymoon in New York. Now there's a city which
knows something of cultural diversity and yet within multicultural societies,
like New York and Sydney, the seeds of xenophobia thrive. What can prevent the
weed of racism from strangling the flowers of interracial love and harmony?
My cousin married an Indonesian lady so the wedding not only joined two
people together, but also brought two cultures together. People had travelled
from far and wide to attend the wedding: from Indonesia, the United States, the
Northern Territory and Victoria. They came together for one purpose and
differences meant nothing. What differences may have divided were forgotten,
and those which were manifested like the Indonesian dancers who performed for
the wedding guests, only served to enrich the experience for everyone.
Sensible people acknowledge that life is enhanced significantly by
diversity. An appreciation of, and respect for other cultures makes life more
interesting, and facilitates harmony. Generally people marry people from their
own race, their own ethnic background and although perfectly understandable,
this promulgates separateness, and strengthens the tribe mentality. Tribes by
nature war against each other.
Most people want peace but either ignore, eschew and resist those things
which lead to peace. Are more interracial marriages the key to the destruction
of racism? It can't hurt, can it?
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