Angels and demons abound in popular fiction and film. Interest in the supernatural realm has always been strong because humans are also spiritual beings. Although we have earthly bodies now, the essence of who we are is spirit just as God, who created us, is a spirit. Angels and demons often appear in human form, in disguise as it were, so that many who have encountered them have not recognized them as supernatural beings.
Angels are essentially ministering agents of God who are more powerful and more knowledgeable than humans but not omnipotent or omniscient. The carry out a range of benevolent functions including the provision of physical needs, encouragement, guidance and protection. They also rescue people, deliver messages to them. and care for them at their death. These nice functions are why we like angels. Even people who don't believe in God, sometimes like to believe in angels because they are nice and helpful.
I have allowed myself to be sidetracked again from my promised comparison of the angels in Touched by an Angel and Supernatural, but as I find the general topic fascinating I am rolling with it. More next week.
What do you think of angels? Have you ever seen one? Do you believe in them?
Further reading about angels according to the Bible.
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