'Are you ready to always have your hand in you pocket son?'
I said yes, without having the vaguest idea of how much it would actually cost me in the future to buy, run and maintain cars.
So I paid for the expensive globe, then take it home and fit it myself. (I was going to make this post about this awesome first time achievement of mine, but I didn't want to sound boastful.)
The headlight globe was only one of the 'unknown to me' problems which prevented Mr MVR inspection officer from passing my car fit for registration. The other was two front tyres-worn on the inside. But wait, there's more: a brake light globe, which I replaced only to have the brake switch fail, necessitating the calling of an auto electrician.
Bottom line? I spent what I had budgeted for the registration fees on repairs to get it registered. I can hear your voice Dad. I can't say I wasn't warned.
All that came on top of my car, under the care of another driver, being sideswiped by another vehicle under the complete absence of care of a third party. That was last week. Thankfully, insurance will take care of that one.
(smile) (big smile) (bigger smile).